Notes for Jeroo Code

Writing Jeroo programs

    1. How many Jeroos can you create in 1 program? _____
    2. What is the one method you MUST have in your program? ______
    3. What punctuation is used to group statements together? _____________________
    4. In Java, every statement ends with a ___________________
    5. Write the code to create a new Jeroo named neo ________________________
    6. Write the code to make neo hop one space forward. ____________________________
    7. Write the code to make neo turn right. _______________________________
    8. Write the code to make neo hop forward 5 times . ____________________________
    Label the controls used to run a program by writing the correct number next to each letter.
    1. run one step ___
    2. stop ___
    3. go back to the beginning ___
    4. run continuously ___
    5. pause ___

What language setting should you select when you run a program in Jeroo? __________________

Using the island and program below, find the logic error in the code.





The error is: __________________ ________________



  1. First, create the island with your initials. Save it. Close it.
  2. Second, start with a blank island and place a flower at location
    Do Lab 1

Top Grade

Write a program to get a Jeroo from one end of your original letter island to the other using AT LEAST 8 programming steps. Add a comment to your code with your name in it and print the code. Save it as LetterIslandyourName (the programming code will be saved with .jsc for jeroo source code as the extension. the island will be saved with .jev for jeroo environment as the extension so it is safe to name the island the the program with the same name)

note: (comments start with two forward slashes //)