Fixing different kinds of errors in Jeroo jeroo

When a program runs correctly it says program completed when it is finished.

Watch this example of fixing a program so it will work.

(Audio did not record clearly, this will need to be re-recorded)

Which error is giving you trouble? Look at the examples to help find a solution

The first line Other lines

Every program must start with:

method main( ) {

Here are some errors that might happen:

main( ) { SYNTAX ERROR: keyword method expected
found main instead
method main { SYNTAX ERROR: missing left parentheses
method mane( ) { SYNTAX ERROR: keyword main expected
found mane instead
method main( ) SYNTAX ERROR: left brace expected


You can misspell, leave out punctuation or required information or any number of other errors, here are some common ones.

Misspell a method name SYNTAX ERROR: Unknown identifier "misspelledname".
Check spelling and capitalization.
Misspell a jeroo name SYNTAX ERROR: Unknown identifier "wrongname".
Check spelling and capitalization.
Leave out a semicolon SYNTAX ERROR: Missing semicolon. Check previous line.
Leaving out a parameter SYNTAX ERROR: Relative direction expected.
Found "turn" instead.
Putting in the wrong parameter SYNTAX ERROR: Relative direction expected.
Found "UP" instead.