The hardest part of writing an IF statement is knowing how to write the condition you need.

For example: The obstacles that a Jeroo must avoid are nets and water. If a Jeroo who is alone on an island needs to know if it's safe to hop ahead then the condition needed is:

Fill in the conditions below. The first example has been filled in for you

You want to know: the condition you need is:
1. If it is safe to hop if NOT isWater(AHEAD) AND NOT isNet(AHEAD)
2. If either the Jeroo named Tia or the Jeroo named Jae has any flowers. if
3. If a Jeroo who is facing South is standing in the SouthWest corner of the island if
4. If there is another Jeroo on either side of this Jeroo. if


















because if there is a flower ahead, it is not clear, but it is safe to hop

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