Activity 1.2.1 Electron Theory


The distribution of electrons in the orbital rings around an atom’s nucleus determines an element’s electrical properties. The stability of the electrons in the atom’s outer-most ring determine whether the element will act as a conductor, an insulator, or a semiconductor.

In this activity you will use the powerpoint and the Internet to research the atomic structure of materials commonly used in electronic applications.


1.      For the diagram shown below, label the parts of the atom. What element does this diagram represent?

atom parts

2.      Shown below are the electron orbital rings for the elements Lead (Pd) and Tin (Sn). Complete the diagrams by labeling the number of electrons that belong in each of the orbital rings.

rings1 rings2

Based on their electron configuration, would tin and lead be good conductors? 

What is used in Digital Electronics that is made from tin and lead? 


1.      What are the three basic particles that make up all atoms?

2.      What is the primary characteristic of an element that makes it a good conductor? 


3.      Give three examples of materials that make good conductors.

4.      What is the primary characteristic of an element that makes it a good insulator? 


5.      Give three examples of materials that make good insulators.