How colors are mixed to appear on a computer screen

  1. A copy of the movie is on this page in case you can't see the Khan academy one in school
  2. Below are the instructions for coloring a March Madness or original picture
  3. Screen shot your results and paste into your word document from yesterday and submit to Edline.

from Khan Academy:

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Color Mixing exercise:

Copy the code below on the left to the Khan Academy and add color to the March Madness picture. Add a background color and a different color for each part. Or, create your own, original picture and add color.

rect(191, 161, 34, 201);

// net

strokeWeight(6); // heavier line
rect(110, 49, 188, 104);
rect(154, 73, 98, 63);

// hoop
ellipse(212, 152, 83, 13);
rect(199, 122, 20, 20);

ellipse(86, 304, 59, 58);
ellipse(86, 304, 58, 26); 

Original March Madness Drawing

march madness

These commands will help color your picture

command explanation
background(255,255,0); this makes the background yellow
stroke(0,0,255); Change the outline color for shapes to be drawn
noStroke(); don't draw an outline around the shapes
fill(0,0,0) Change the filling color
noFill(); Don't fill shapes with color

Each color is made up of red, green, blue in that order

0 means none of that color light (0,0,0) is black

255 means all of that color light is used. (255,255,255) is white

Add your explanation of how color works on a computer screen and a screenshot of your code and colored picture to your KhanAcademyIntro word document from yesterday and submit it all to Edline today.

(be sure to save your document and close out of Word first so you can attach your work to Edline to be submitted)