Museum of Art Chair Exercise by ______________________ (your name)


Look at the 7 pictures of chairs at this lesson on chair design.

Is there something that all these different types of seating have in common?

What is your favorite of the chairs pictured and why? what is good about it?



  1. Look at Side Chair (Image Seven), by Charles Rennie Mackintosh. Describe what you see : line, shape, texture, pattern.
  2. Compare the Tulip Chair (Image eight) with the Mackintosh's Side Chair (image nine).
  3. Look at the wheelchair (image eleven)
    1. which part is made of which material? The materials are listed below the chair.

    2. This wheelchair was designed by Japanese industrial designer Kazuo Kawasaki. It is made out of titanium, rubber, and aluminum. Would the process of designing a wheelchair be different than designing a regular chair? Why, or why not?

    3. Kawasaki was injured in an accident when he was twenty-eight years old, resulting in the paralysis of his legs. He originally built the Carna Folding Wheelchair for himself: "I realized that by designing a wheelchair that closely met my needs, I could create a functional design that other people with similar needs might use." What are good things about this design?

  4. Look at the last chair, the Honey Pop Chair (image thirteen). It's made only of paper. How can it be strong enough to hold up a person? (it is)

    1. Research online and describe 3 things about the Honey Pop Chair