Alarm Clock Program

Problem definition: Alarm clocks are too easy to turn off. Create a program that will use the robot as an alarm clock so the robot will buzz an alarm and flash its light when it's time to wake up. If tapped on top for snooze, the robot will randomly move around in crazy directions to avoid capture, flashing its light and making noise. The alarm and robot won’t stop until it's put on its tail facing upwards.

This project is made up of many smaller problems to be solved. The purpose is to have students identify the parts of the program and create small test programs first, and then create a working project by combining the parts.

Alarm Clock Project Rubric



The screen display

Shows the time on a “clock” on the screen


The time continuously updates to show the current time


Is attractive


The directions on screen clearly explain how to operate the alarm


An introductory screen shows names of group members, class period, title of project and purpose of program.


The code

The alarm time can easily be set by the user


A comment in the program also identifies names of group members, class period, brief description of project


The introductory screen stays in place until the user chooses to continue on with the program, and the directions on how to continue past the start screen are clear.


Test code for at least 5 separate functions of the program is developed by individual team members and demonstrated. (teams decide on the 5 functions to create and test)


Documentation shows the development process used by the team to break the problem into parts, create the test code and test it.


Code is well organized and easy to follow


The robot

Stays still until the alarm goes off and the robot is tapped


When the alarm goes off:

  • The robot beak flashes continuously as long as the alarm is sounding
  • The robot makes a significant amount of noise and waits to be tapped (snooze button)
  • After being tapped, the robot moves continuously in random patterns while making noise every 1 - 2 seconds
  • The alarm stops when it is placed facing upward on its tail.