
The Finch allows you to play simple sounds.

The buzzer method requires a frequency(f) and duration(d) for each tone you want to play.
The higher the frequency the higher the note.
The longer the duration, the longer the note will play.

This program will play a series of 2 tones:

play 2 notes simultaneously but they will play on top of each other so you can only hear the first note

These programs allows time for each note to play separately play separate notes
add extra wait blocks if you want a rest ( quiet ) in between notes.


Write a program to play this song:

       B   A   G,     B   A   G,     G G G G    A A A A,    B   A   G

The whole note whole note lasts twice as long as a half note half note which is twice as long as a quarter note quarter note which (of course) is twice as long as an eighth note eighth note.


 Note  Frequency (Hz)
Middle C 262
D 294
E 330
F 349
G 392
A 440
B 494
C 523

You can make a whole note last a second, a half note a half of a second, etc.


  1. Can the robot play 2 tones at the same time? How can you prove or disprove it? Create a program that demonstrates the answer.
  2. What is the lowest or highest sound you can hear the robot play? Create a program that demonstrates your answer.