The old, classic hello world program

Start BlueJ. If you do not already have a BlueJ project, go to the File menu and choose Project > New Project.
Create a new folder on your drive. Name it BlueJ_yourname .
Also name your project BlueJ_yourname
Click New Class

newclass name it OldHelloWorld (no spaces) .

It will show up in BlueJ with stripes meaning it's not compiled yet.

Double click to get into the class. Delete the code after public class OldHelloWorld{
that's been put there automatically. Type in this code:

Click the link to learn how the Java code works

  1. Click Compile. (this translates your Java code into a form the computer can understand)
  2. Fix any errors. (error messages are at the bottom of the screen)
  3. Close.
  4. Right-click OldHelloWorld and choose void main(String args) then click OK

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