Principles of Computer Science Daily Lessons - syllabus - Java API

June 2018
Date Class Activities Objectives. SWBAT:
  1. Share videos
  2. Vote for the best
Share and evaluate game videos
Date Warm-up Class Activities Objectives. SWBAT:
13 Why use a parameter in a function?
  1. Save your movie. Use rubric
  2. Put a copy in OneDrive in the Game Project Videos folder
  • Export, upload, and share movie files
12 Write the code to call the function named winGame.
  1. Save your movie. Use rubric
  2. Put a copy in OneDrive in the Game Project Videos folder
  • Export and upload movie files
11 Which is correct coding style:
1- call a function from inside an event
2- create an event inside a function
  1. Demonstration: recording narration and adding background music
  2. Finish program documentation movies. Use rubric
  3. Do not show ALL the code, just focus on the required parts.
  • Complete mini documentaries
8 Why should you use functions?
  1. Work on videos in Movie Maker (1 - 2 minutes total length)
  • Create a mini documentary
7 Why must some variables be declared outside of any function?
  1. Use Movie Maker and Screen Casting to create a 1 minute documentary that shows the program running and highlights different parts of the code that control the game.
  • Create a mini documentary
6 What's the difference between "score" and score in code?
  1. Present your game highlighting features and challenges
  • Present projects
5 What was your favorite game yesterday and why? Due today:
  1. Reflection on Circuit Playground Game in OneNote
  2. Project planning sheets and check sheets
  3. What project would you like to remix and revise?
  • Reflect and document project design
4 What language does the Code Maker App use?
  1. Analyze projects. Try at least 4 other games.
  2. Fill in the Reflection on Circuit Playground Game in OneNote
  3. Hand in project planning sheets and check sheets
  4. Make suggestions, remix and revise.
  • Reflect, test projects, read code, and make revisions
May 2018
Date Warm-up Class Activities Objectives. SWBAT:
31 What is the purpose of comments in code?
  1. Look at guidelines for projects
  2. Work on projects
  • Work on projects
30 Why is less code often better?
  1. Look at guidelines for projects
  2. Work on projects
  • Work on projects
29 How often will this loop print?
for(int i=0;i<100;i++)
if( i % 10 ==0) print(i);
  1. Work on solving problems in class projects
  2. Add whitespace, indentation, functions and comments to make your code readable.
  3. Add features and complete original games.
  4. If you did not put a shared link to your project in OneNote Collaborative space, do it TODAY
  • Use the design process to implement, test and debug code
25 How often does a circuit board analog data event happen?
  1. Good strategies for project development: small changes, test parts, make backups, divide into functions
  2. Work on original games
  • Use the design process to implement, test and debug code
24 Why is it important to back up your coding work on a large project?
  1. Work on original games
  • Use the design process to implement, test and debug code
23 What is an array?
  1. Work on original games
  • Use the design process to implement, test and debug code
22 What does the code
score = score + 1
  1. Completed lessons due today. (Choose 2 lessons in Unit 6 Lessons 10-14 and do all of the activities in that lesson)
  2. Work on your original game (due this week)
  • Complete background knowledge needed
21 What are 2 ways you can move the Circuit Playground that can be detected by the sensors and software?
  1. Continue independent work doing 2 lessons in 10-14 (due by the end of class Tuesday)
  2. Work on your original game
  • Plan and build an original game
18 What is the difference between pitch and roll?
  1. Write out your plan for your original game
  2. Continue independent work doing 2 lessons in 10-14
  3. Work on your original game
  • Plan a build an original game
17 How could a tilt sensor be used in a game?
  1. Calculate collisions
  2. Look at example programs together
  3. Work on your 2 independent lessons (choose from 10-14) before working on your Unit 6 lesson 9 game plan to submit tomorrow.
  • Code a function to calculate overlapping elements
  • Use sound, light and movement on the Circuit Playground
  • Plan an original game
16 If box1 is at x=5, y=5 and is 6 wide and 3 tall and box2 is at x=7, y=2 and is 3 wide and 5 tall, do they touch at all? How do you know?
  1. Review game ideas.
  2. Work on Unit 6 Lesson 9 Original Game up to Activity 3.
  3. Choose 2 of these units to do on your own this week:
    1. Arrays and color LEDs
    2. Making music
    3. Arrays and For Loops
    4. Accelerometer
    5. Functions with Parameters
  • Evaluate game ideas
  • Develop games
  • Learn features of the circuit playground
  • Calculate collisions
15 What did the accelerometer do on the Sphero?
  1. Complete Unit 6 Lesson 8 Emoji Game
  2. Brainstorm at least 2 ideas for an original game using a few features: buttons, lights, music, accelerometer. Submit 2 possible sketches and descriptions.
  • Complete project planning and implementation

What will the array of lights on the Circuit Playground look like after this code:

for(var i=0;i<10;i+=3)

  1. Discuss features of the Emoji game code.
  2. Hand in planning papers for Emoji programs.
  3. Complete Unit 6 Lesson 8 Emoji Game
  4. Add original features that include the LED lights to your game
  5. Think ahead about features to include for your original game: lights, original music, accelerometer.
  • Differentiate between values and variables
  • Complete project planning and implementation
11 What values will i have in this loop:
for(var i=0;i<10;i+=2)
  1. Add notes to the back of your array mini paper on how to create light patterns.
  2. Discuss planning points and game design flaws.
  3. Work on the planning sheet for Emoji Game.
  4. Work on Unit 6 Lesson 8 Emoji Game planning and process.
  • Use loops and arrays to create light patterns.
  • Use the design process to plan and create a game.
10 What is the first element in an array?
  1. Explore the emoji race game.
  2. Plan a project that uses hardware and software. Unit 6 Lesson 8
  • Plan a project that uses both hardware and software
9 What is an array?
  1. Quiz
  2. Review Unit 6 Lesson 7 together
  3. Do the paper about arrays.
  • Describe an array
  • Demonstrate understanding of hardware and software components
8 What are the 3 analog inputs on a Circuit Playground?
  1. Finish Work on Unit 6 Lesson 7.
  2. Jump ahead to Unit 6 Lesson 10 Activities 1-5 about arrays.
  • Read analog sensors and adjust 
  • Use arrays in code

activities are in OneNote

7 Sketch the difference between an analog sound wave and a digital sound wave.
  1. Review for Wednesday quiz on Unit 6 Lessons 5-7, kahoot
  2. Work on Unit 6 Lesson 7
  • Use code for analog sensors

Tomorrow's activities will be in OneNote

4 Is the clock on the wall by the door analog or digital? Why? 
  1. Finish up to Unit 6 Lesson 7 Activity 11 
  • Read analog sensors and adjust 

activities were in OneNote

3 How is analog different from digital? 
  1. Do the crossword puzzle on Unit 6 part 1 
  2. Do the Unit 6 Lesson 7 notes on the back of the crossword 
  3. Start Unit 6 Lesson 7 
  • Describe limits and applications of analog sensors 
activities were in OneNote
2 How is onEvent different from onBoardEvent?
  1. Look at activity 6.6.7 together.
  2. Complete Unit 6 Lesson 6
  3. If you want to improve your score go to quizizz and enter code 536702 by the end of today.
  • Communicate between hardware and software using events and properties
The rest of this week's activities will be in OneNote
1 When does an onChange event happen?
  1. Do the code quizizz for points.
  2. Work on Unit 6 Lesson 6
  • Get and set properties
April 2018
Date Warm-up Class Activities Objectives. SWBAT:
30 What is a property you can set?
  1. Review (6-6.3,4,6): setProperty, getProperty, types of screen objects (Text Input, Dropdown, Checkbox, Radio Button, and Slider)
  2. Circuit Playground code quizizz
  3. Work on Unit 6 Lesson 6
  • Get and set properties
27 Which sound will last longer?
1. buzzer.frequency(100,300);
2. buzzer.frequency(300,100);
  1. Do the Sounds partner paper for Lesson 5.
  2. Finish all of Lessons 2, 3 and 5 in Unit 6 individually by the end of the weekend. DON'T FORGET TO SUBMIT PROJECTS 2-14, and 3-9.
  • Generate sounds
26 How is sound generated?
  1. Work in pairs on the Lesson 5 sheet. Hand it in today.
  • Use button and switch inputs
25 How does the Circuit playground get power?
  1. Quiz
  2. Continue working on Lessons 3 and 5 in Unit 6
  • Control screen from circuit board and circuit board from screen
24 What is an input sensor on the Circuit playground that was not on Sphero?
  1. Review circuit input and outputs and javascript, Quiz tomorrow.
  2. Act out the event scenario.
  3. Work in pairs to do the Lesson 3 sheet.
  • Use events combined with physical devices
23 What is an integrated circuit?
  1. Use the Maker Toolkit, log in through Clever, and do lesson 3 in CS Discoveries Unit 6 with the circuit playground
  2. Review for quiz on robots, circuits and sensors on Wednesday
  • Access hardware elements through software
20 How does a circuit board communicate from one component to another?
  1. Install the Circuit Playground Maker Toolkit on your computer
  2. Log in with Clever
  3. Do lesson 2 in the CS Discoveries Unit 6.
  • Install circuit board software
  • Use the App development environment.
  • Change properties of objects
19 What senses sound? What senses distance?
  1. Review how robots sense the world.
  2. Identify the sensors, input and outputs on a Circuit Playground.
  • Identify components on a circuit board
18 Describe 3 different kinds of sensors that robots could have
  1. Fill in the page in Unit 3 Physical Computing Robotic Arm 
    • Code a robotic arm, put a screenshot of your completed code. 
    • How could sensors be added to make it smart? What would the code look like? 
  • Consider code that responds to sensor data for mechatronic control 
17 Name 3 different ways that robots could move.
  1. Robots move in many different ways. Look at some robots that do a job too dangerous for humans. Image what their code might look like if a fleet of them were to be deployed.
  2. Do the Robot Motion page in OneNote
  • Construct code for robots that move different ways
16 Which kind of code do you prefer: blocks or text and why?
  1. Read about robots in the near future and respond in OneNote on the Future Robots page in Unit 3 Physical computing
  2. If you did not do the assignment from 3/28 to Look up information about modern day robots and report your findings in OneNote on the Robots in the News page do it today or get a zero. (check your grades)
  • Describe near future applications of robots 
13 Which direction is heading 270?
  1. Last day to work on Sphero Robot Experiments.
  2. Choose another challenge.
  • Apply lessons learned on robot coded behavior to new situations
12 What is an advantage to coding robots over driving them?
  1. Sphero Robot Experiments.
  2. Choose at least 1 challenge and do it
  • Apply lessons learned on robot coded behavior to new situations
11 Make a drawing to illustrate yaw, pitch and roll 
  1. In the Unit 3 Physical computing section of OneNote, answer the questions about robot code.
  • Connect pseudocode to code for robotic control
10 Name 2 different ways to control movement.
  1. Work in pairs to finish the Sphero Robot Experiments and document results in OneNote.
  2. Examine the challenges, which ones do you like the best?
  • Use sensor, movement, light and control code
  • Generate and record data.
9 What direction will the robot be facing after completing the command roll(180,100,2)?
  1. Discuss different ways to move
  2. Finish all 4 benchmarks
  3. Record data in OneNote for the Sphero Robot Experiments.
6 What does the JavaScript roll command do?
  1. Discuss yaw, pitch and roll.
  2. Set some benchmarks and get familiar with the code and robots. Finish 3 of 4 challenges today.
  • Set benchmark values.
  • Experiment systematically
5 What is an accelerometer?
  1. Work with a partner to experiment with the abilities of the Sphero and how to code using JavaScript. Record experiments done and lessons learned.
  2. Share results.
  • Learn through experimentation
4 How is a robot different from a machine?
  1. Take a glimpse at Sphero EDU.
  2. Read about programming Sphero robots in javaScript and answer the questions to keep as a reference.
  3. Load the free Sphero EDU app on your phone if you are able.
  4. Try to code a basic square around a chair
  • Use Javascript to control motors
March 2018
Date Warm-up Class Activities Objectives. SWBAT:
29 What is different when you are working on a large project compared to a smaller one? Complete one assignment below on Wednesday, and one on Thursday in OneNote Unit 3 Physical Computing..
  1. Add screenshots of your code and BLocksCAD3d robots in OneNote following the directions on the Robot Final Project Page.
  2. Look up information about modern day robots and report your findings in OneNote on the Robots in the News page.


  • Complete random parts combination project
  • Report on current news about new robot designs.
28 What does the random fraction block do in BlocksCAD? Test it if you don't know.
27 What are 2 ways to choose color in BlocksCAD?
  1. Complete all heads, bodies and legs.
  2. Can you generate a diagonal row of 5 robots that show off all possible parts?
  • Display varying combinations of parts
26 How many options are there when selecting from a random integer from 0 to 5?
  1. Review diagonals and random choice.
  2. How to generate a row of random robots on a diagonal.
  3. Complete all 3 heads, bodies and sets of legs. Remember each must have at least 3 parts.
  • Combine modular design with control structures to generate variety.
23 Write the code to lift an object up 10mm
  1. Demo: How to build random robots
  2. Complete at least 1 head, 1 body, 1 set of legs plus 1 extra part. Put your code and screenshot in OneNote Random Robot First Run page.
  • Combine interchangeable objects randomly

How many robot parts will be drawn when this code is used?


  1. Quiz
  2. Work on robots
  • Read and interpret code
  • Organize functions to be interchangeable
21 ~*~* snow day! *~*~  
20 Why should all robot heads start out in the same location?
  1. Quiz review: what does the code do?
  2. Demonstration: putting together a robot
  3. Finish making a separate function for each part centered on top of (0,0,0)
  • Predict output of 3d code
  • Assemble parts using code
19 How many unique trees can be made with 2 different trunk designs, 4 different leaf designs and 2 different colors of leaves?
  1. Analyze available 3d shapes in
  2. Hand in a hand drawn sketch of your 3 robot heads, 3 bodies, and 3 feet, that will each have at least 3 parts to them.
  3. Extra credit. Sign in to your school account for Khan academy (go to and complete the lesson on combinatorics on your own time.

There will be a quiz on 3d design code on Wednesday.

  • Analyze parameters of different shapes.
16 Name 2 materials other than plastic that can be used in 3d printing.
  1. Look at a 3d house that can printed in a day and a self building 3d printed bridge.
  2. Learn how combinatorics is used to create a variety of parts.
  3. Design 3 robot heads, bodies, and feet, each as a different function using parameters.
  • Describe applications of 3d printing.
  • Design interchangable parts
15 Which do you think is more complicated for a 3d printer, the software or the hardware and why?
  1. In OneNote answer questions about Current Events in 3d printing in your Unit 3 Physical Computing section.
  2. Fill out this form to vote for your favorite 3d designs to print and for points.
  3. YOU CAN STILL UPLOAD YOUR STL files today to your page in OneNote for full credit: flower, snowflake, original and forest.
  • Describe innovations in 3d printing
  • Select items to be printed.
14 π How does a 3d printer print?
  1. Discuss how 3d printers work. What is the software/hardware involved.
  2. Vote for the best snowflakes to print (look on Handout drive)
  3. Vote for best original designs to print
  4. Put the actual STL code for your flower, snowflake, original and forest onto your original 3d design page clearly labeled.
  • Post screenshots and 3d files of completed projects.
13 How is calling a function different from defining a function?
  1. Review the rubric for the trees and forest project.
  2. Review answers to how to make any size hollow box. On the back write down these offsets.
  3. Put a screenshot of your forest and code in OneNote 3d forest after checking the rubric for the project.
  4. Put the actual STL code for your flower, snowflake, original and forest onto your original 3d design page clearly labeled.
  • Complete projects
12 What is a parameter? (example tree height)
  1. Discuss the power of variables. Figure out how to make any size hollow box.
  2. Add an offset variable to your tree (knot in the trunk, bird, branch, roots, fruit, etc.)
  • Calculate offset values for 3d code
  • Create code with functions, parameters, random, loops and calculated values
9 What is a function?
  1. Look at random features (demonstration of the provided Examples in BlocksCAD3d to show how the fish uses functions, how easy it is to change eye color, how the know from parametric equations that makes changes to color and how the math.random block allows you to pick a random value for x,y,z,height, or even RGB color)
  2. Create a forest with trees that randomly differ in at least 3 different ways in addition to location.
  • Code with functions, parameters and random
8 Why are computers better at repetition than people?
  1. Discover the value of functions in code.
  2. Complete original 3d designs and put the screenshots in the Collaborative 3d design space in OneNote. Remember, you can finish during PRIDE time or at home if you run out of time in class.
  • Code with functions and parameters
7 Which way does the Z direction go?
  1. Presentation: additive and subtractive design.
  2. Finish original designs with >=6 parts and good levels of complexity. Put screenshots of only the objects in the Collaborative 3d Design page for your class period. (use the camera icon)
  • Enhance original 3d coded designs
6 What does a translate block do?
  1. Showcase 3d designs
  2. Create an original 3d design in, Make a chair with 4 legs and a back if you don't have a more complex idea.
  • Create original 3d coded designs
5 What 3 directions are in 3d?
  1. Why code 3d?
  2. Create an account in using your school email and pwd. Create a flower according to the directions and then make some modifications to make it original and more interesting while retaining the reality of a flower. Paste a screenshot into OneNote 3d code intro. Add a flowerpot for a bonus. 
  3. Create a snowflake using these directions. Add additional details and features. Best designs will be printed. Paste a screenshot onto your OneNote 3d code intro page
  • Create 3d designs with code.
2 school cancelled for severe weather
1 If int q=17; What is q/=3? Post Test
  • County requirement
28 What interface do all Listeners implement?
  1. GUI and Java review in OneNote. View the answers here to get all the points to go towards your post test grade.
  • Provide summaries of concepts learned to date
27 How is a solid state storage device different from a mechanical storage device?
  1. Quiz on IoT, computers and circuits
  2. GUI and Java review
  • Answer questions about Java language
26 What must a search engine do BEFORE you search?
  1. Honors and AP
  2. Review work from last week for short quiz Tuesday. (see review notes on the collaboration space in OneNote)
  3. Review GUI for post test on 3/1
  • Make conenctions between search engines, computer storage and circuits.
  • Interpret code about frames, text fields, labels and other GUI elements

All classwork this week was in OneNote notebook.



Class Activities 

Objectives. SWBAT: 

Feb 23 

How is USB storage different from hard drive storage? 

If you didn't finish the notes from Wednesday 2/21, today is your last chance. 

Today: do the activity about how search engines work in Unit 3 physical computing 

 Describe how search engines work

Feb 22 

List the 4 processes that a computer must do 

Find out how different kinds of computer storage work: a hard drive, USB drive and cloud storage. Describe them with the similarities and differences on the How Storage Works Page in Unit 3 Physical Computing 

Describe kinds of computer storage 

Feb 21 


Visit the videos on this page and watch these 2: 

  1. What makes a computer a computer? 

  2. Circuits and logic. 

Answer the questions on your OneNote page in Unit 3 Physical Computing 

 Describe parts of a computer and how they are made of circuits


20 What was the first IoT device?
  1. Hand in yellow slips with a wide variety of IoT things you found online that you summarized in OneNote.
  2. Give presentations.
  • Share innovations with input, output and impact in the IoT
16 What is a difference between wifi and bluetooth?
  1. Intriguing IoT devices. and the first IoT device.
  2. Finish presentations.
  3. Give presentations today and Tuesday.
  • Describe early events in the IoT
  • Share innovations with input, output and impact in the IoT
15 Give 2 examples of inputs to something in the Internet of Things.
  1. Video: our watches and shoes might surf the net with the IoT.
  2. Share your presentation with
  3. Work on presentations
  • Share innovations with input, output and impact in the IoT
14 valentine day What is the Internet of Things?
  1. Finish the activity on Computing innovations with input and output in OneNote Collaborative space working with your group. Include the impacts of your technology.
  2. Create a 5 slide presentation individually or as a group on your chosen invention including: a picture, the problem it solves, how it works, the input and output, your suggestions for improvement and impacts
  • Identify computing innovations within a given field
  • For a given device, articulate the likely inputs and outputs
  • Suggest improvements to help a device better solve a specific problem

How does software interact with hardware?

  1. Video: the future and the Internet of Things
  2. Explore new innovations that combine hardware and software
  3. Do the activity on Computing innovations with input and output
  • Identify computing innovations within a given field
  • For a given device, articulate the likely inputs and outputs
  • Suggest improvements to help a device better solve a specific problem
12 List three questions you could ask to decide if an innovation is "ethical".
  1. Presentation: impacts of technology
  2. Watch the video on AI, read the article on GPS tracking, and research the impacts of either 3d printing or self driving cars to complete this worksheet
  • Describe detailed positive and negative impacts
9 What value is there in doing virtual experiments?
  1. Speed research. What new ways is technology changing education? VR, Immersive cultural exchange, holoportation
  2. Technology in the news. Report out and summarize.
  • Summarize current innovations in ed tech
8 How is virtual reality different from augmented reality? Look it up if you need to.
  1. Explore some possible futures in education. Discuss positive and negative aspects of each of these video talks in Class Notes OneNote Future Education:
  2. A virtual lab that will revolutionize science and
  3. The 100,000 student classroom
  • Compare positive and negative impacts of computing innovations.
7 What does opaque mean?
  1. Choose an article in Discover Magazine about current news in computer science and summarize the article in Onenote Class Notes. Summarize and cite the source of at least one other article you find on your own on a related topic and include a picture.
  • Report on current events in technology.
6 What equation generates a random number from 2 to 5?
  1. Quiz
  2. Finish Lab05 Press Your Luck. Here is the help and the rubric.
  • Demonstrate understanding of div, mod, random
5 Why are variables marked private?
  1. Grid Layout and the Press Your Luck program
  2. Review for quiz tomorrow. Do the random number page.
  • Use a gridlayout.
  • Program running totals, resets and maximums
2 What color are JLabels by default?
  1. Review yesterday's questions. Add information to your notebook.
  2. Work on Lab05 Press Your Luck. Here is the help and the rubric.
  • Use default values and options of GUI components.
  • Program using encapsulation.
1 What would happen if you clicked on a button that does not have a listener?
  1. Use the notes in Lab01: square root, Lab02: multibuttons, and Lab04: odometer to fill out this form. DUE TODAY.
  2. Finish Lab04 Odometer. Use video help if needed.
  3. Start Lab05 Press Your Luck. Here is the help.
  • Use random numbers in a game program in a GUI interface
January 2018
Date Warm-up Class Activities Objectives. SWBAT:
31 What is an odometer?
  1. Work together on Lab04 Odometer. Use video help if needed.
  2. Finish Hailstone programs.
  • Fill in code for interrelated classes
30 Is this an input statement or an output statement?
  1. Finish page 14 in your GUI notebook today.
  2. Start Lab04 Odometer. Here is some video help
  3. Finish your Hailstone number program by end of class tomorrow. Help each other!
  • Create interrelated classes.
29 What kind of variable do you get from box.getText()?
  1. Complete Exercises for Lab03 pg 14
  2. Complete the Hailstone project using the directions.
  • Use conditionals to determine if there is input in an inputbox.
26 What is 7 % 3?
  1. What is a Hailstone number?
  2. Do the first part of Problem #1 on the Exercises for Lab03 pg 14.
  3. Work on the Hailstone project. Check the directions.
  • Generate hailstone sequences
25 What is 7/3 in Java?
  1. Presentation: primitive data and math with modulus
  2. Start the Hailstone project together.
  • Use math with primitive variables

Go to first semester





ethics in CS, cybersafety

college courses



























random help help with lab 5

random exercises for lab 5

look at great examples of javascript houses and java mugs.

Repeat a fixed number of times
for ( var i = 0; i< limit ; i++){     statements; }
Math + - * / %
28 Why do you think there are different languages for coding?
  1. Take notes on Java : math, methods and OOP
  2. practice more math. math in loops. create a program using math i/o/p.
  • Use input/output/processing and loops in Java

How to use the Java API


use calendar14q3 Jan 13 onward

Program using different types of variables,math, integer division and mod.


math shortcuts


Quick interactives

put countdown and cheer programs in

for loops in java interactive notes page *** Friday

calendar13q4 has GUI as does calendar14q3.

quiz on java variables, types of variables i/o/if/loop/basic math. coach packet W3 quiz 1 offline
review for java test with video and notes



Java GUI

online textbook starts with AWT and goes to Swing


















Join the CodeHS class.

Work as a row team to draw out the flowchart that decides your morning personality