Jeroo Lab 2a Island N warmup


Using the island at the left, answer the following questions:

  1. What is the location of the flower?
  2. What is the minimum number of hops required to get the Jeroo at 0,0 onto the flower?
  3. What is the minimum number of times the Jeroo at 0,0 must turn in order to get on top of the flower?
  4. After picking up the flower, can the Jeroo hop straight ahead to the EAST and throw the flower at the net to get throught? Why or why not?

Choose your answers:

True False  
A jeroo should be facing a flower to pick it.
A jeroo should be facing a net to toss a flower and disable the net.
jerooName.hop(2) will allow a jeroo to hop over a net to get to the other side.
When a flower is tossed onto a net, the flower disappears.